1. Documents, Constellations, Prospects
        2. Contributions
        Dissident Knowledges, Perfomance, Installation

        Notebooks, 1981–1987

        Július Koller

        18 March 2013

      1. W1siziisijuxodc3owywn2i5zjk5nzi5nzawmdawzsjdlfsiccisinrodw1iiiwimtawmhgxmdawil0swyjliiwianbniiwilxf1ywxpdhkgnzaixv0?sha=1658c4d7
        Július Koller, U.F.O.-NAUT J.K., 1989. Photo: Marcus Lieberenz/bildbuehne.de
      2. During his life Július Koller built an impressive archive consisting of his own observations, comments, and artworks dating back to the early 1960s, in addition to cut-outs from Czechoslovak and foreign newspapers, magazines, books, and periodicals. The texts included were not only about art but also numerous other topics and fields including archaeology, science and technology, sports, UFOs, the search for Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle, astronautics, tourist attractions, and comics. Publications from the West were not easily accessible at the time due to censorship that blocked access to information and knowledge from outside the Soviet bloc. The few foreign books and catalogs that people managed to get a hold of thus circulated in a clandestine fashion and were shared among other artists and intellectuals. As part of his own process of learning about crucial developments in art, Koller took extensive notes from these texts. In the notebooks shown in this exhibition we see Koller’s annotation of the Westkunst catalog in which he at times redraws reproductions of exhibited works and obsessively rewrites passages he found significant. 

        Notebooks are presented to the interested audience daily from 18 to 22 hrs.