1. Research Seminars

          The Diagonal of Commonfare

          25–26 June 2010

          Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (ES)

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      1. Friday 25 June 2010

        Each generation its own constitution. How and why are the struggles of class composition, emerging from the world revolution of 1968, capable of constructing a post-national Europe?

        Alex Foti and Marco Baravalle
        Introduction: Raúl Sánchez Cedillo

        Within the long and terminal crisis of the official “labor movement” and the populist and exclusive transformation of the national spaces, the present crisis demands that we center our attention upon classic questions of public, labor and subjective law, the subject (class composition), antagonism (with respect to the expropriation of common powers of production) and territory (of production which is fused with life itself: the metropolis). Can we affirm that, from this perspective, the political constitution of a new multitudinous class requires, as a minimal condition, attending to struggles and to the conquest of rights in their European dimension?

        Biopolitics of Europe: Nomad subjects, technologies of gender and genealogical matrices of the common. What problems to Foucault and Deleuze present to a pragmatic politics of post-sovereign Europe? Political imaginings of a Europe without Völker.

        Judith Revel and [name withheld]
        Introduction: Montserrat Galcerán

        In a hard struggle against their banalization and conversion in “classics”, the Foucaultian and schizoanalytic categories and concepts of genealogy, archaeology and nomadology find the European problem to be a fertile steppe of political machines, processes of subjectivation and post-State institutions.

        The banlieue and the postcolonial displacement of the European project. The peripheries as vector for analyzing the biopower of the EU project and as matrix of figures for post-national citizenship.
      2. Saturday 26 June 2010

        The Europe of peripheries constitutes an authentic optic chiasm in contemporary political discourse, when not a black hole into which whole emancipatory traditions have fallen. The very fact of the colonial dimension in the segmentation of the European metropoli, more than half a century after the processes of decolonization, constitutes an aporia for “national” politics, both left and right.

        Is a European constitutive political action possible? Conditions, problems, occasions.

        Round table of participants, with audience participation
        Introduction: Javier Toret Medina